KIDS HELPING KIDS THIS CHRISTMAS, News, U12 Team 1 (2009s), U12, 2020-2021 (LaSalle Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2020-2021 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Dec 08, 2020 | Webmaster | 1514 views
The LaSalle Sabres U12 team decided to donate their gift exchanging amongst each other to help sponsor a family in need this Christmas.  Our Lasalle families also collected food items for a well deserving community agency, The Lasalle Hangout. 

Promoting a loving and caring environment, the mothers of our U12 LaSalle Sabres team saw an opportunity to help a family in need while also building character, empathy and a sense of self-worth for our boys.
Christmas has always been a special time where we see it is better to give than to receive. The mothers of our team have asked our boys to gather donations rather than exchanging secret Santa gifts this year so that we can give to a less fortunate family during the holiday season. It was a positive and meaningful experience that will help an 11 year boy and his mother this Christmas as well as a number of youth in our own community that use the LaSalle Hangout on a regular basis. 

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