MIDGET MAJOR AA ROSTER UPDATE, News, Midget Major AA, Travel Teams, 2019-2020 (LaSalle Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2019-2020 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Sep 22, 2019 | Webmaster | 1119 views

The coaching staff would like to thank everyone that has come out thus far to the team tryouts. We are very pleased with the turnout and the effort everyone has put into each session.  Below is the the list of players moving forward in the process. For those that do not find your name on the roster you are being released and we wish you the best of luck with the 2019/20 season.

Players listed below are asked to asked to continue with the team:

A. Alfonso
A. Bost
M. Brooker
C. Demelo
A. Campbell
J. Eid
T. Fraser
T. Gifford
R. Hanley
J. Howson
S. Leuthard
P. Maheux
E. Parent
J. Pedersen
N. Rahm
A. Rice
R. Sesto
J. Storey
A. Stojcevski
B. Salvati
Also note that the game vs Windsor is BACK ON FOR TONIGHT!!! The game will be from 8-10pm at the WFCU Main Bowl rink.  Please arrive for 7:00pm.  Due to the fact that you were all told last night it was cancelled I will understand if you can't make it but you must communicate that to Coach Tim ASAP.  This is still a tryout game as originally intended.