FINAL ROSTER, News, Bantam AE, Travel Teams, 2017-2018 (LaSalle Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2017-2018 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Jun 04, 2017 | Webmaster | 1189 views
Bantam AE

Thank you very much to the 04/03 players who came out to the tryouts. 

The Final Roster is as follows:

(G) Ian Millard
(G) Liam Lavin

Caleb Appleyard
Ben Arnold
Brayden Best
Austin Brancaccio
Ayden Campbell
Matt Demars
Max Gallant-Hendrix
Brody Gattozzi 
Ronan Radovich
Nick Robinson
Michael Hann
Chase Scadden
Owen Webster
Cam Moir
Nolan Kipfer

Parents: Please email your names, email addresses and cell numbers. 

Thank you,

Coach Todd