FINAL ROSTER, News, Atom AE, Travel Teams, 2017-2018 (LaSalle Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2017-2018 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Jun 04, 2017 | Webmaster | 1843 views
Atom AE

To all the players who tried out for the Atom AE team over the last two weekends, I was very impressed with the talent, and effort shown, and u all made my final decisions very very difficult.

To the players listed below, Congratulations on making the 2017-18 Atom AE team.                           

To the players not on the list, continue to work hard and good luck in your season.                             

Appleyard, Gavin                                                                         

Bertuccio, Gianni                                                                         

Cameron, Balga                                                            

Cappellino, Adriano                                                                    

Chisesi, Christian                                                                         

Cosman, Joshua                                                            

Fazekas, Owen                                                              

Hann, Carissa                                                                

Johnston, Tyler                                                             

Lukic, Corey                                                                   

Medeiros, Brenden                                                                     

Northcott, Claire                                                                         

Racine, Quinton                                                            

Stowe, Carson                                                               

Veselinovic, Christian                                                                 

Ward, Brook                                                                  

Whitson, Caleb


Coach Shawn

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