PeeWee Minor AA Visit with the Memorial Cup, News, PeeWee Minor AA, Travel Teams, 2016-2017 (LaSalle Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2016-2017 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Nov 21, 2016 | lmattina-mcleod | 973 views
PeeWee Minor AA Visit with the Memorial Cup
Prior to last Saturday's game against the Southpoint Capitals at the Vollmer Center, Town of LaSalle Councillor and Military Liaison to the 2016-2017 Memorial Cup Michael Akpata shared the official Trophy.  The Memorial Cup dates back to 1919 and was originally dedicated in honour of the soldiers who died fighting for Canada in the First World War. It was rededicated during the 2010 tournament to honour all soldiers who died fighting for Canada in any conflict.  
