Atom Minor AA Team gives back., News, Atom Minor AA, Travel Teams, 2015-2016 (LaSalle Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2015-2016 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Nov 12, 2015 | Todd Brancaccio | 1077 views
Atom Minor AA Team gives back.
In an effort to help teach our athletes about service to our community we will be hosting the "The Atom Minor Team Can Drive" on the evening of Tuesday December 8th.

To get us kick started, we are inviting all LMHA Players and families to come out and watch our home game on Dec 6th vs Amherstburg at 3:40pm. Please bring a canned good or two. Canned goods will be collected in the front lobby by team volunteers.

Once again this year, all collected cans will be delivered to the LaSalle Food bank.

Let's show our Sabres Pride.

Coach Todd.